Waiting and praying often find themselves together in many of our lives.
We wait for God to change our circumstances, we wait for blessings of goodness, we wait for blessings of healing or strength. John Ortberg said, “Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.” Waiting can be transformative, but waiting can also be frustrating. Uncertainty speaks loudly, and fear blooms when waiting takes place. This is why waiting usually involves praying. Prayer is our direct and intimate communication to a loving God. But God does not always provide blessings quickly. This disappoints us because, while waiting, we wonder if God will ever show up. And usually, before we relinquish our last bit of hope, God steps in and blesses our lives with what we have been waiting for. But what do you do when what you prayed for shows up?
Don’t forget your prayers or your blessings.
Every word you utter to God matters to God. As you speak to God in seasons of
uncertainty, write your prayer requests down or type them out on your phone. As God shows up with blessings, make it a habit to journal how God answered these requests. Maintaining a written record of requests and answers from God can provide proof that will stand in future
seasons of fear or uncertainty. Don’t forget your prayers or your blessings because both prove to us that we can speak to God, and God responds in different ways to His children. This is the motivation behind Isaiah 65:24, which says, 'Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.' Keeping a record of our prayers and blessings is a helpful reminder that we can depend on God and are never alone.
Depending on God is a way of life, not an occasional experience.
Many people have no problem praying to God in times of trouble or challenge. But when what we prayed for finally shows up, it is vital that our dependency on God continues. Marnie Swedberg suggests, “Trusting God is choosing to act in utter dependence on Him; trying harder is opting to retain control.” Depending on God can be scary and takes courage to commit to. But if you commit to depending on God in seasons of trouble and blessing, you will experience more of God, and He will deliver wisdom to you so that you don’t mishandle the blessing. Fumbling blessings occur when God gifts us with blessings, but instead of depending on God, we create our own agenda. This is where we harm ourselves instead of honoring God. Depending on God is meant to draw us closer
to God in such a way that we never desire to be far from God again.
Commit to uncommon thankfulness to God.
Usually, there aren’t issues thanking God initially when blessings arrive. But over time,
our thankfulness tends to dry up or run out as if there was never a reason to be thankful.
However, our responsibility is to be uncommonly thankful in all seasons. This fights off
entitlement and reminds us that God is the source of our blessings, past and present. When what we prayed for arrives, it should not shift our thankfulness; it gives us every reason to be
uncommonly thankful to God. Uncommon thankfulness will help us to bask in the giver of the blessing instead of entangling ourselves in the blessing itself, which can lead to arrogance or pridefulness. Uncommon thankfulness to God helps us not to make an idol out of our blessings and allows us to place honor where honor is due. God answers prayers, but the arrival of blessings is not a reason to forget God but to trust God more.